Ode to all things Eiffel…..

The other day as I was scanning through my photos, I  discovered some quirky ones that had sections and segments of the  Eiffel Tower  as well as some full shots, so I promptly declared in triplicate, that on this day,  she deserved her own post.


You may or may not have  noticed that there  is a stark lack of night shots of the Eiffel Tower… this just happened to be due to our jetlag.  We arrived in Paris on New Years Eve….but sadly we were soo tired that we didnt even see New Years 2011 in.  How bad is that?.  It took us about 4 days to completely recover. We were falling asleep at about 6.30pm, but then waking up earlier in the morning.  Bad jetlag, bad.

Jetlag aside,  no way at any stage was my  enthusiasm compromised  for the sites of Paris. (much)


We decided to walk up the Tower, rather than taking the lifts, we (well me) are young and fit things, how tough can it be?. REALLY easy actually, but perhaps not if you are really unfit. Don’t expect me to put a fit or unfit meter on this post.  Use  your intuition here, but, if you live on donuts, fast foods and additives….one can safely surmise that you may be unfit. ‘nuf said.


The line just happened to be much shorter than the rest and price was very reasonable.  I walked up to the first level, but just couldn’t face walking any further up. my brain just couldn’t handle it.  As you can see from the photos the day was a clear stunner.

Lucky for you I found a nice photo of the Tower on New Years Eve 2011 .


I think she is an absolutely outstanding piece of architecture, built completely for show and to be taken down many, many years ago.  The more I saw her, the more i was in awe of her and all of those who worked on her….(and lost their lives on her)


In my opinion there is nothing I have been privy to  that is more glorious than the Eiffel Tower.  I am more than happy to be challenged on this.


These images are small, however when you click on a photo,  you are magically transported to a slide show….enjoy.

I am interested in to find out, what  are your thoughts on Tour Eiffel, do you like it or indifferent?

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